3 Tools To A Mindset Shift
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (Romans 12:2)
When was the last time you took the time to look at your life from an aerial view? No, I am not suggesting that you hop on a plane. Instead, step back from the emotions tied to your current struggles and successes. Honestly, evaluate where you are now and the path that led you to this point.
How have you exceeded your expectations?
What are your top 3 areas of needed improvement?
Is your current season marked by joy, peace, and purpose?
Here is the kicker: Are you the best version of yourself???
Every now and again, I reflect on the high hopes of my younger years. I had audacious dreams of success and satisfaction! Those strolls down memory lane also led me to consider why those crystal-clear visions did not manifest as expected. If you have never given much thought to mindset, I assure you it matters.
One of those reflections carries me back to 2010. Our family was adjusting to our move to the United Kingdom due to my husband’s military career. This morning, I sat in my office with a heart full of gratitude for simultaneously having a non-appropriated funds position and a general service position. The past decade was spent applying and getting turned down for positions where my husband was stationed and finally - 10 years later - it happened! As thankful as I was, curiosity led me to ask, “Lord, why now and not before?”
The Lord will humble you, won’t He? Rather than push back in disagreement with the Holy Spirit, I considered how my mindset was not what it needed to be at the time. Admittedly, the person I was before was not mentally prepared for success. A shift in position calls for a shift in thinking. I later learned that the mindset needed to be a successful government employee was different from that required to become a thriving entrepreneur. New levels necessitate new ways of thinking. Let’s not get too far ahead without a working definition of our focus topic:
mindset - a set of assumptions, methods, or notions held by one or more people or groups of people; the pattern of thought arising out of a person’s worldview or philosophy of life
One of the primary keys to success in business is having a positive mindset. Better yet, our mindset is key to success in LIFE!! As we think, so are we. We will never elevate above our most dominant thoughts. To shift our lives, we must shift our minds.
Commit these steps to memory:
- Think.
- Say.
- Do.
To transform into the individuals we want to be or accomplish our wildest dreams; we must first conceive it in our minds, believe it in our hearts, and confess it with our mouths.
- What thoughts are you thinking?
- What confessions are you making?
- What actions are you taking to be and do on another level?
What we think, we will say; what we say, we will do; what we do defines who we are.
To prepare for success, have an EVER FORWARD AND NEVER BACKWARD MINDSET. The human mind is an amazingly malleable thing! Declare the desires of your heart rather than the heaviness of your reality. Set your mind (and heart) to be resolution-oriented and results-driven… then successfully move forward.
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