Women -N- Business (LiveStream)
black women core values entreprenuer financial literacy growth mindset how money works identifying fear mindset nonprofit servant leadership women Jan 12, 2023"No matter how big your heart is, you cannot get away from finances. One of the best ways to help the communities you are trying to serve is to conquer your personal finances and generate wealth. " ----Candy Martin
In this Live broadcast I enjoyed a great conversation on the necessity of financial literacy , and marriage with Mrs. Candy Martin.
Candy Martin is a graduate of Business & Marketing Education. Executive Director of Martin Business Solution, LLC & Founder of AK Legacy Foundation- in both organizations, she believes that an informed decision is a better decision. Candy Martin is an advocate for financial literacy.
Show Outline:
Introduction to today’s episode.
Laquita’s introduction.
What’s happening in her life now.
Collaboration over competition wins every day.
Having systems and strategies in place is key to our personal growth.
When you have a system, you also have a reset button.
The power of having a good team.
The importance of knowing your team’s heart before you choose them.
The importance of having a nonprofit
The tools you need to continue to grow your business.
Contact Candy:
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://martinbusinesssolution.com/
Website: https://aklegacyfoundation.org/aklf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CandyGuimontMartin
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